Breaking Oppression Prayer I wrote
By: Tiffoney Greene
Free Us from Oppression, Father..
My Father in Heaven, hear my cry, heal my pain and arise as my ‘Great Avenger.’ Father God, my pain is endless; my heart has been tormented and cut so deep that my soul bleeds. Father, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end.
Break the chains they’ve bound me in, Father, free me from this oppression in my life and the depression because of it. Hear my voice Father, awake for me in thy anger, let the wicked hear your thunderous roar and feel the wrath of your justice.
Free us from the curses of left handed magic conjured up against us. Father God, free us from the bondage of the unclean, hypocrites and non-believers. Father, banish all of their evil spells, voodoo, hoodoo, and all forms of the occult. Break all the curses that have been placed over me and my family; that have kept us from happiness, joy, stability and prosperity.
My Father, My God, My One, I rebuke all curses, spells and left-handed magic in the name of Jesus Christ. I now bind all unclean works, all unclean spirits both seen and unseen out of my life and the lives of my family; I rebuke them in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Father God, I bind all evil, all wickedness, all the hurt, all the pain, and all left-handed magic in my life.
Father, bind their lips, bind all lips that bear false witness, gossips, lies and sows discord among our family and neighborhood. Father, bind all tongues that are quick to speak evil against us, Father, bind those tongues of the occult and mouths of the wicked. Father God, bind the hands that are quick to do wrong against us, by taking our food, money and clothing. Bind those hands that try so hard to take your blessings from us. Father God, I bind all evil, all wickedness, all the hurt, all the pain, and all left-handed magic in my life. Father, I bind all the slander and gossip in my life. I bind them and rebuke them all in the name of Jesus Christ. I rebuke all unclean and wicked things out of my life and the lives of my children in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Thank You Father, thank you for your love, mercy and protection~!
In Jesus Christ's name...Amen....
Thank You Father, thank you for all those blessings....
Thank You...
I love you Father God~!!!
(Matt.7: 12) NIV
“Do for others what you would like them to do for you:
This is a summary of all that is taught in the Law and the true way of the prophets.”
Yes, pray for your enemies because our Savior commands for us to pray for those who have hurt us.
Why you ask? Well, to make a long story short. Jesus, teaches us to forgiveness and love.
We have to forgive in-order to be forgiven~!
(Matt 6:14-15) KJV
"For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will the Father forgive your trespasses."
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